• Revendeur
  • Confitures
  • Foie gras
  • Cheese
  • Apiarian products
  • Produits laitiers
Halles de Lourdes, Place du Champ Commun, 65100 Lourdes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Come to discover and taste the farm cheeses of the producers of the region (ewe, organic cow, goat, mixed...) but also more original farm cheeses as the goat rubbed with Jurançon or the ewe's tomme smoked with beech. The Honey of the Pyrenees, the jams and the foies gras are also in the 'menu' of the Cheese Instant.
Open every morning at the Halle de Lourdes from Monday to Saturday.
Credit cardsCredit cards
Postal or bank chequesPostal or bank cheques
Accepted customers
  • Individuals
  • Groups


Halles de Lourdes, Place du Champ Commun, 65100 Lourdes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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